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Champion of the day

Champion of the Day is a mode that is held once a day at 20:00 CET, and it is the most competitive racing in Engine Evolution; you can meet the fastest players, win gold and have fun. The format is: qualifying, race, reverse grid race. Only NON-premium vehicles are allowed. EU server only (you are automatically redirected).


Tuesday5E motorbikes*
Saturday5E motorbikes*

*E motorbikes = Czech electric motorbike ČVUT E

Time table (CET times)

QualifyingRace 1Race 2
Start20:0020:14Just after Race 1
Latest time to join20:0820:13-
Legth10 minutes17 + generation km17 + generation km
Expected end20:1120:2420:35


You will recieve 5 gold for each point.

Position12345678910Fastest lap
Points (Race)2518151210864211
Points (Qualy)1297654321


Engine Evolution currently supports up to 12 people in one race. Bigger races are planned for later this year. For that reason, players are split into leagues. Only the first league receives the rewards.


There are two championships held. The main one is with the generation 8 motorbikes and the second with gen 5 electric ČVUT E. By participating in champion of the day; you automatically gain points in the championship. You can see the standings here: Generation VIII motorbikes and ČVUT E.